Danny Bianchi

Mission 911

Mission 911 is a non-profit located on the coast of Corpus Christi, Texas. Founded in 2000 by Tony Reyes, It began as a homeless shelter but has since evolved into a mentorship & case management program. Helping individuals and families get ahead in life, Mission 911's rebrand encompasses the aspects of faith, progression, and location that embody the community Mission 911 serves. Check out the latest press Mission 911 has received!

Logo Sketches

It was important to emphasize location, faith, and progression with the mark. Here are a few early sketches that helped lead to the final design.

Official Logo Lockup in 4-Color & White.

Brand guidelines, with an emphasis on keeping things simple for the folks at Mission 911.

Stationery package.

Banners designs for various events and photo backgrop

Shirt concepts for events and organizers

Founder Tony Reyes talking with community members about the big changes happening with Mission 911.

Rebrand reveal event held in Corpus Christi. Large scale banner was created and used for photo backdrop.

Mayor Paulette Guajardo of Corpus Christi, Tx and Founder Tony Reyes taking a photo in front of the designed backdrop